
Two is One, One is None - Principles of Data Retention

Written by Zachary Baird | May 30, 2024 2:49:13 PM

The Importance of Data Retention

In the realm of data retention, the adage "two is one and one is none" is a wise principle to live by. This means that having a single copy of your data is as good as having none at all. Often, we feel secure storing our data in the cloud. However, if that is your only copy, you are exposing yourself to significant risks. These risks include not only data loss but also malware attacks that can be difficult to recover from without a backup system that preserves previous versions of your files rather than just overwriting them.

The Risks of Single Copy Data Storage

When you store your data in the cloud, it might seem safe, but several scenarios can jeopardize your data integrity:

  1. Data Loss: If the cloud provider experiences a technical issue or data corruption, you could lose your only copy.
  2. Malware Attacks: Ransomware or other malware can encrypt or corrupt your files, leaving you without a clean copy to restore.
  3. Human Error or Malicious Intent: An employee might accidentally delete critical files, or a departing employee with malicious intent might intentionally delete important data.

The Solution: Comprehensive Backup Systems

Fortunately, for users of Google Workspace or Microsoft Azure, there is a robust solution to these challenges. Our backup services provide comprehensive coverage for both files and email servers. Here’s how it works:

  • Backup of Files and Emails: We create backups of all files and emails, ensuring that no data is lost.
  • Administrative Access: Admins have the right to access all files and emails, with the ability to retrieve data even if it was deleted over 30 days ago.
  • Historical Versions: You can go back in time and see previous versions of files, providing a safety net against accidental or malicious deletions.

A Real-World Scenario

Imagine this scenario: An employee with malicious intent starts deleting key files before their departure. You don’t realize the extent of the damage until a month after they leave. Without a backup solution, you would have no way to recover those crucial files. However, with our backup system, you can easily restore the deleted files and continue business as usual.


In today’s digital age, relying on a single copy of your data is a recipe for disaster. By adhering to the principle that "two is one, and one is none," and leveraging our backup solutions for Google Workspace and Microsoft Azure, you can ensure your data is always protected and recoverable. Don’t leave your critical information to chance—implement a robust backup strategy today.

Interested in learning more? Reach out today for a quote on protecting your cloud data! We can have you set up within 24 hours, and data uploads can start instantly! Email - or Call at 321-966-4400!